March 28, 2024

Ethiopia: What a Fantastic Time We Had!

Ethiopia: What a Fantastic Time We Had!

A team of 12 recently returned from a mission trip to the Stand By Me Bethany project in Ethiopia. Based in a small countryside town the project runs a children’s home for 35 children and a day school for up to 400 children from the very poorest families. It is managed entirely by Ethiopians; many of whom are Christians.

The team spent 6 months prior to the trip raising funds to purchase items to to take with us. We were delighted to raise approximately £9000 which helped to buy clothing, towels, bedding, treats for the children and much needed food parcels for the families of children in the project.

Whilst there, the team painted two buildings, taught in the school, distributed food parcels, played with the children and engaged with the staff. One of the team members spoke at several girls only events to encourage, educate and inspire the girls. Sadly, girls in Ethiopia face many challenges and due to home responsibilities have to work extra hard to achieve academically.

One of the highlights for team members was meeting sponsor children. It was great to be able to get to know the children and play and chat together. We were able to visit their homes and meet their families too.

The UK team gained a real insight into what it is like for families living on the margins of society and how the support of the project is literally a lifeline to so many.

We would like to thank everyone who donated items or donated money towards our fundraising projects. Your donation made a real difference.

If anyone would like to sponsor a Stand by Me child, please head to the website at for more information. If you would specifically like to sponsor a child at Bethany School, please see Fi Mellor.

Fran Townsend

The Team
School Lunch
Food Parcel Delivery
Playing with the children

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